We are delighted to welcome celebrated author and international Ferecnzi expert to this year’s IPAA 2019 Conference.
Prof Arnold Rachman
Arnold Rachman is a licensed psychologist, trained psychoanalyst, Member of the Board of Directors at the Sandor Ferenczi Center, The New School For Social Research, NYC, and Honorary Member at the Sandor Ferenczi Society, Budapest, Hungary.
Prof. Rachman is also:
- Clinical Professor Of Psychology – Aldelphi University, Derner Institute, Postdoctoral Program In Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Garden City, NY;
- Associate Professor of Psychiatry, New York University Medical School, NYC;
- Training and Supervising Analyst, Postgrad. Psychoanalytic Institute, NYC;
- Supervisor, Relational Track, New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychoanalysis;
- Board Member, The Sandor Ferenczi Study Center, The New School University, NYC;
- Honorary Member, The Sandor Ferenczi Society, Budapest, Hungary.
Among his published works are:
- Sandor Ferenczi: The Psychotherapist Of Tenderness and Passion. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 1997.
- Psychoanalysis’ Favorite Son: The Legacy of Sandor Ferenczi (ED.) Psychoanalytic Inquiry. 17;4, November, 1997.
- Psychotherapy Of Difficult Cases: Flexibility and Responsiveness in Contemporary Practice. Madison, Conn: Psychosocial Press, 20003.
- Sandor Ferenczi and the Evolution of Psychoanalysis: Innovations in Theory and Technique (ED.) Psychoanalytic Inquiry. 34:2, February-March. 2014.
- With Susan A. Klett Analysis of the Incest Trauma: Retrieval, Recovery, Renewal. London: Karnac, 2015.
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